Tag / inspiring

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  • MOVIE | “Perfect Days” is perfect

    I first watched Perfect Days on a fine sunny day when the first winds of spring breezed in Paris. But I was on the brink of a(nother) burnout, exhausted both physically and mentally. My mind was in all over the place, fractions of stimulis scattered and blocked any train of thoughts longer than a few…

  • ART CRUSH | Jean-Jacques Sempé

    I’ve never had a mentor, have never been anyone’s protégée, but fortunately, along the way there have been a couple of artists and writers that I admire so much, both for their art and their personality. They are the ones that I look up to, that I secretly ask questions and get answers from. Their…

  • MOVIE | Blackfish

    I saw this last Sunday, after so much hesitation, because I’d been warned about how shocking and heart-breaking it is. But I love whales and everything around them I would devour with passion. My wish to reincarnate as a Blue still stands firm until now (after a tree, of course!). My favourite has always been…

  • MUSING | To become a writer

    “I didn’t know what would come next. But I knew that I would continue to strive with all my strength to become a writer…”

  • Animation | Short films for a rainy day

    Animations are neither particularly my favourite pastime nor my favourite genre of motion pictures, but over the years, I’ve stumbled upon some of fine works that I just return to again and again, for inspiration, relaxation and encouragement, for moments of ‘aha’ as well as for introspection and reflection. They are magnificent in terms of…

  • Traces of Summer

    My summer starts one fine Saturday morning. I cocoon in bed, laying still under the flowery blanket. Quietly. Inhale, exhale. Inhale, exhale. My mind has hardly been at rest for the last few months. And I hear it speaking loudly, panicking at every item in my to-do list for the coming weeks. Reports to write.…

  • 청춘

    Có những ngày mệt mỏi, thực sự mệt mỏi, chỉ muốn vứt bỏ hết mọi thứ, cơ mà về nhà thấy anh, quyết tâm nào cũng mềm như một cọng bún thiu. Vì lâu lắm rồi mới có thể khóc và cười vì một người con trai. Cứ nhìn khuôn mặt anh, đôi mắt dài…

    Musing | Eyes as Big as Plates

    These are some of the Eyes as Big as Plates, an on going project by the Finnish-Norwegian artist duo Riitta Ikonen and Karoline Hjorth on the modern human’s belonging to nature, featuring seniors from various countries in Europe and Japan. I was lost for words when I saw the pictures. On their weathered faces all I can see…

  • Le seul fait de rêver est déjà très important. Je vous souhaite des rêves à n’en plus finir et l’envie furieuse d’en réaliser quelques-uns. Je vous souhaite d’aimer ce qu’il faut aimer et d’oublier ce qu’il faut oublier. Je vous souhaite des passions, je vous souhaite des silences. Je vous souhaite des chants d’oiseaux au réveil et des rires d’enfants. Je vous souhaite de respecter les différences des autres, parce que le mérite et la valeur de chacun sont souvent à découvrir. Je vous souhaite de résister à l’enlisement, à l’indifférence et aux vertus négatives de notre époque. Je vous souhaite enfin de ne jamais renoncer à la recherche, à l’aventure, à la vie, à l’amour, car la vie est une magnifique aventure et nul de raisonnable ne doit y renoncer sans livrer une rude bataille. Je vous souhaite surtout d’être vous, fier de l’être et heureux, car le bonheur est notre destin véritable.

    - Jacques Brel, 1er janvier 1968

    Musing | Lettre de Jacques Brel

    Le seul fait de rêver est déjà très important. Je vous souhaite des rêves à n’en plus finir et l’envie furieuse d’en réaliser quelques-uns.

  • TV Series | Reply 1988

    Hôm qua có bạn trẻ bảo, Reply 1988 chán chưa từng thấy, dài lê thê bôi ra mãi, nếu mà rút gọn thành phim điện ảnh 1 tập thì hay. Tôi ngạc nhiên quá mức, rồi từ ngạc nhiên đi qua tức giận, rồi từ tức giận đi đến thương cảm. Phải. Thương cho một…

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